Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies

Post Date: 23 December 2015

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016.  For our Christmas dinner we are planning on serving Roast Beef and Baked Salmon as the main dishes, with a Tuscan White Bean Salad Red Skin Potatoes, and Roasted Butternut Squash.  I have been busy trying some different cookie recipes from Food Network Magazine, Orange Ricotta Drop Cookies, Peppermint Biscotti, and Meringues with Lemon Curd Filling.  They were all excellent, but my favorite is the biscotti.
This will be the last post for 2015.  See you all next year.
Orange Ricotta Drop Cookies

The recipe actually calls for Tangerines, but says you can substitute Oranges instead.  Since I had oranges in the fruit bowl, that is what I used.  They are soft cookies, and you finish them off with a sugar glaze.

Meringue Sandwiches
These require 3 hours in the oven at 250, but the results are well worth the time invested.  The meringues are made with the usual suspects, egg whites, cream of tartar, salt, and confectioner’s sugar, then piped onto parchment paper in 1 inch rounds.  For the filling, I made a Lemon Curd.
Peppermint Biscotti

These cookies get a double dose of peppermint flavor – extract in the batter and crushed candy topping.  After the biscotti have cooled completely, you melt 4 ounces of white chocolate and drag the top side through the chocolate.  Then you crush peppermint candies and sprinkle the pieces on top.  In my experience I have found that the round peppermint candies have a stronger peppermint flavor than candy canes.

Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.
Upcoming Classes
Here are my upcoming classes for the winter term.
January 14, 21, and 28 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School
January 23 and 30 – Saturday Morning – Delectable Desserts – Plum Center
February 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
March 1, 8, and 15 – Tuesday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center
March 4, 11, and 18 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center
To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Thursday, December 10, 2015

More Himalayan Salt Block Cooking, Some New Recipes

Post Date: 10 December 2015

More Himalayan Salt Block Cooking

In the last post I described cooking pork chops on my Himalayan salt blocks.  Last Sunday I used them again to cook eye round steaks and zucchini (see pictures above).  For the steaks I first marinated them in olive oil, vinegar, soy sauce, garlic salt and pepper.  I cooked them first, then placed them in a warming oven while the zucchini cooked.  I used a mandolin to slice them into long strips, but I made them a bit too thin, so next time I’ll set the mandolin to cut thicker slices or do them by hand.   However, on a positive note, the steaks were excellent, with the marinade giving them a nice flavor.
New Recipes
With my busy teaching schedule this fall and our preparations for Thanksgiving, I did not have time to try new recipes. However, in the lull now between Christmas and New Year’s, I’ve had some time to look through the cooking magazines I subscribe to and found some recipes to try.
The first was Lemon Chicken with Butternut Squash (above) from Food Network Magazine (link below).  It was fairly easy to make and tasted delicious.  The squash is peeled and cut into cubes, then mixed with lemon juice, olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper and roasted at 450 degrees.  The chicken is first salted and peppered, then fried in an oven proof skillet on just one side.  You flip them, then finish off in the 450 degree oven for 5-7 minutes.  I timed things so that when the squash was done I took it from the oven and let it sit in the warming oven while I placed the chicken in the oven.  When done, the chicken goes back on the stove and garlic, oregano, and lemon juice are added to the skillet.  You cook it for a minute or two, spooning the juice over the chicken.  Here is the link to the recipe:
The other new recipe I tried was a Baked Lemon Tilapia (above) with a mayonnaise and panko crust, also from Food Network Magazine (link below).  The recipe called for serving the fish with an Apple-Beet Salad, but as the picture above shows I opted for green beans instead and had a spinach salad on the side.  The recipe calls for either Tilapia or perch; I used Tilapia.  To prepare the fish, in one shallow bowl you mix salt and pepper, light mayonnaise, lemon zest and lemon juice.  In another you combine panko breadcrumbs (I used Italian Panko), capers, and chopped flat leaf parsley.  You coat just one side of the fish; first through the mayo and lime mixture, then the panko-capers-parsley.  This is a very nice recipe, and the lemon flavor really comes through well and enhances the fish.
Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.
Upcoming Classes
Here are my upcoming classes for the winter term.
January 14, 21, and 28 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School
January 23 and 30 – Saturday Morning – Delectable Desserts – Plum Center
February 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
March 1, 8, and 15 – Tuesday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center
March 4, 11, and 18 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center
To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Himalayan Salt Block Cooking, Making Cannoli, My Next A.C.E. Classes

Post Date: 1 December 2015

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful start to the holiday season.  The other afternoon I made stock with the remains of the turkey and the kitchen smelled great.

Himalayan Salt Block Cooking

In a previous post I mentioned that I received these salt blocks as a birthday present from my son and daughter.  This week I finally got around to trying them out, and the result was excellent.  I cooked pork chops seasoned only with black pepper and apple slices with ground cinnamon.  They both picked up the salt nicely from the block.
You can heat and use the block in several ways.  One is to heat in the oven, then remove and cook on it.  I used mine on the stove.  As the picture above shows, I placed each block on a separate burner.  I started with the flame on as low as possible, and over the next 40 minutes gradually increased the heat until the block was hot to the touch.  I left the blocks on the flame while I cooked the chops, but as an alternative you can remove the blocks to a heat proof surface and cook there.  It took about 2-3 minutes per side for the chops to be done.  Clean up is quite easy.  After the blocks have cooled, just use warm water and a soft sponge to wash them clean.  As the Salt Block is naturally antimicrobial, it does not need a cleanser.

My sisters-in-law brought plenty of desserts for Thanksgiving, so we had the Cannoli with afternoon coffee on Friday after putting up and decorating the tree.  I made the Ricotta Cheese for the filling before Thanksgiving, then let it sit in the fridge for a couple of days to allow any additional whey to drain out.  I made the filling by mixing sugar, vanilla extract, zest of one orange, and mini chocolate chips into the ricotta, then chilled for a few hours.

My next A.C.E. class is Cooking Basics 101 on January 14, 21, and 28 at Hendon High School.  The next class is a Saturday one, January 23 and 30, at the Plum Center in Springfield called Delectable Desserts.  As in my previous dessert classes, we will be making both baked and non-bake desserts, but not limiting ourselves to Italian ones as in my last desserts class.

Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
Here are my upcoming classes for the winter term.

January 14, 21, and 28 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

January 23 and 30 – Saturday Morning – Delectable Desserts – Plum Center

February 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center

March 1, 8, and 15 – Tuesday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center

March 4, 11, and 18 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sicilian Citrus Almond Cake, Christmas Bazaar, My Next A.C.E. Class

Post Date: 18 November 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful start to the holiday season.


This recipe was from my friend and mentor in the chef business, as well as being an excellent chef in his own right, Chef Roberto Forgione.  It was one of many Italian dessert recipes he had given me several years ago but I had not tried it out.  Looking for something new to try out, I found it in my dessert folder and made it last Friday.  The citrus part of the cake is lemon and orange juice and zest.  The almonds are finely chopped; I put whole unsalted almonds in a coffee mill.  When serving, I sprinkled powdered sugar on top.  For the spring I am planning a one day “Holiday in Sicily” class and will most likely feature this cake as the dessert.

This coming Saturday, November 21, I will have a table at the Christmas Bazaar held at St. John’s Catholic Church in McLean, at the intersection of Old Dominion Drive and Linway Terrace.  I will be selling cups of one of my signature dishes, Chicken Sepzzatino, an Italian Chicken Stew.  I will also have Cannoli for sale whose filling will be prepared with Ricotta Cheese which I will be making.

My last A.C.E. class for 2015 is Cooking Basics 101 on Thursday evenings December 3, 10, and 17 at Herndon High School.  My winter class schedule is now set; please see below for classes and dates/times.

 Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
Here are my upcoming classes for the rest of the fall and for the winter term.

December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

January 14, 21, and 28 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

January 23 and 30 – Saturday Morning – Delectable Desserts – Plum Center

February 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center

March 1, 8, and 15 – Tuesday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center

March 4, 11, and 18 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Twilight in Tuscany Class; Baked Tilapia; Roasted Vegetables

Post Date: 5 November 2015

Next Class - Twilight in Tuscany

Penne with Bolognese Sauce
This one session class meets this Sunday afternoon, November 8, at 12:30 PM at the Plum Center in Springfield. I have a very ambitious menu planned, with the featured item being a Bolognese Sauce with Penne (pictured above).  We will also be making a Tuscan White Bean Salad with Cannellini Beans, Roasted Vegetables (see below), and a Hazelnut Cake.  To accompany the vegetables, we will be quick frying very thin Eye Round Steaks.
Baked Tilapia Oreganata

This is one of my favorite dishes, and I often prepare it for the holidays to go along with the turkey or roast beef.  The Tilapia Filets are topped with salt, pepper, olive oil, Italian Panko bread crumbs, capers, minced garlic, fresh chopped parsley, grated parmesan cheese, oregano, and red wine vinegar.  After prepping the fish, I let it rest in the fridge for a few hours before baking.  The wait really enhances the flavors.  And for big meals, it is one of those dishes you can prepare in advance and then just put into the oven when it is time.
Roasted Vegetables

In prepping for Sunday’s “Twilight in Tuscany” class, I ran through the Roasted Vegetable recipe.  I decided to add a sprig of fresh Rosemary to the pan and it really seemed to pick up the overall flavor.  I used Red and Green Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini.  For seasoning, I used just salt, pepper, and garlic powder.

Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.
Upcoming Classes
Here are my upcoming classes for the rest of the fall and for the winter term.
December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School
January 14, 21, and 28 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School
January 23 and 30 – Saturday Morning – Delectable Desserts – Plum Center
February 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
March 1, 8, and 15 – Tuesday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center
March 4, 11, and 18 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center
To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           


Monday, October 26, 2015

Cooking Basics 101 – Session 3; Monster Tiramisu; Home Made Ricotta

Post Date: 26 October 2015

Next Cooking Basics 101 Class – Session 3

                                                                 Panzanella Salad

The last of three sessions will meet this Wednesday evening, October 28, at 6:30 at McLean High School.  After making no bake desserts for the first 2 sessions, this week we will be baking, making a Lemon Olive Oil Pound Cake.  We will also be making a Panzanella Salad, an Italian salad which uses bread (hence the name), Salisbury Steak with Onions, and Broiled Zucchini with Tomatoes (we won’t call them Zucchini Boats).

Monster Tiramisu
The Fall 2015 issue of Italian America magazine reports that a group of chefs in Germona del Friuli, Italy, created a tiramisu weighing 6,646 pounds – that’s a lot of marscapone and lady fingers.

Home Made Ricotta

                                                           Making Ricotta Cheese

For this past Sunday’s Italian Desserts class I made Ricotta Cheese for the class to use in their Cannoli fillings.  I brought 2 cups of heavy cream, 2 quarts of milk, and a good pinch of salt to a boil.  As soon as the mixture boiled, I removed it from the heat, added ¼ cup of lemon juice, and stirred for about 4 minutes to separate the curds and whey.  I then poured the mix into a very fine strainer and let it drain for 15 minutes at least (longer for firmer cheese).  I then turned it out into a bowl and stored it in the fridge overnight.  Pour off any additional whey before using.

Chef Kevin on Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
The Fall 2015 schedule has been published.  Here is the rest of my fall schedule.

November 6, 13, and 20 – Friday Evening - Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center
November 8 – Sunday Afternoon – Twilight in Tuscany - _Plum Center

December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Monday, October 19, 2015

Kasbocha Squash, Himalayan Salt Blocks, Next Cooking Basics 101 and Italian Desserts Classes

Post Date: 19 October 2015

Kabocha Squash

Kabocha is an Asian winter squash sometimes referred to as a Japanese pumpkin.  I picked one up last week at Trader Joe’s.  In color it resembles butternut squash.  I used it in 2 dishes.  First, I cut off 2 large slices, removed the seeds, and put crushed red pepper flakes and maple syrup in the cavity and roasted at 350 for 45 minutes.

For the second dish, I peeled a slice, cut it into cubes and sautéed it in olive oil with potatoes, onion, and broccoli, then used the vegetable mix as a filling for a frittata.

Himalayan Salt Blocks

For my birthday earlier this month my kids gave me a set of Himalayan Salt Blocks.  I have never used one before, so I am really looking forward to preparing food with them.  They are very versatile in that they can be heated or chilled, so they can be used for grilling, chilling, or serving.  I have been checking out recipes online, and one claims you can make pizza on it.  I’ll be reporting more on my use of the salt blocks in future posts.

Next Cooking Basics 101 Class – Session 2
The second of three sessions will meet this Wednesday evening, October 21, at 6:30 at McLean High School.  We will be making the chef’s take on a Waldorf Salad, another no bake dessert featuring marscapone cheese and strawberries, and Baked Tilapia with Sautéed Broccoli.

Italian Desserts Class – Session 2
The 2nd  session of this class will be this Sunday afternoon, October 25th, at 12:30 at the Plum Center in Springfield.  We will be making a Lemon Apple Cake, Cannoli, and Chocolate Biscotti.  For the Cannoli, we will be making just the filling; I will be providing the shells.  If time allows, I plan to demonstrate making Ricotta Cheese and will be providing a recipe.

Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
The Fall 2015 schedule has been published.  Here is the rest of my fall schedule.

November 8 – Sunday Afternoon – Twilight in Tuscany – Plum Center

November 6, 13, and 20 – Friday Evening - Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center

December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           


Sunday, October 11, 2015

My Next ACE Classes, New Recipe, Chef Kevin on Instagram, and my Fall 2015 Schedule

Post Date: 11 October 2015

Here is my new friend I met in Seattle on our way back from Japan.

Next Cooking Basics 101 Class starts on October 14
The first of three sessions meets on Tuesday evening, October 14, at 6:30 at McLean High School.  We will be making a Caprese Salad and a no-bake dessert featuring blueberries and ricotta cheese.  The main dish will be Pan Fried Chicken Italiano with fresh vegetable, probably asparagus or broccoli.  Basic knife skills and food safety will also be discussed.

Italian Desserts Class starts October 18
This 2 session class will be held Sunday afternoons at 12:30 at the Plum Center in Springfield.  We will be making both baked and no bake desserts which will include Tiramisu, Cannoli, and Hazelnut Cake.  Making Ricotta Cheese at home will also be covered.

New Recipe

This past week I made an excellent dish from a recipe in the October 2015 Food Network Magazine, Spiced Chicken with Apples.  The chicken is pan fried in olive oil, as are red onion and Gala apple wedges.  The spices are salt, pepper, allspice, and turmeric.  A reduction sauce is made with chicken broth, lemon juice, and honey.  The recipe calls for Swiss chard as the vegetable, but I used green beans instead.
 Here is where you can get the recipe:

Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
The Fall 2015 schedule has been published.  Here is my fall schedule.

October 14, 21, and 28 – Wednesday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – McLean High School

October 18 and 25 – Sunday Afternoon – Dolci Italiani/Italian Desserts – Plum Center

November 8 – Sunday Afternoon – Twilight in Tuscany – Plum Center

November 6, 13, and 20 – Friday Evening - Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center

December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Monday, September 28, 2015

Pizza in Japan, New Recipes, My Next ACE Class, Chef Kevin on Instagram, and my Fall 2015 Schedule

Post Date: 28 September 2015

Pizza in Japan
This blog has not been updated in over a month because we took a wonderful 2 ½ week trip to Japan, our first visit there.  Although it was not a culinary trip, we did have one amazing find (more on it below).  We did not find chopsticks a problem if you did not think about it or were very hungry.  When not certain what to order, we fell back on Tempura and were never disappointed. The trip itself was a “greatest hits of Japan” tour, taking in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima, and the Floating Gate at Miyajma.    But the highlight was climbing Mount Fuji, ascending the final stages in the dark to reach the summit in time to see the sunrise. 

While we enjoyed great food in the various cities we visited, perhaps the most interesting find was in the small central Japan city of Takayama at the Salute Pizzeria Bar.  While walking around the town we came upon the large poster pictured below.  It was after lunch time, so the restaurant was closed, but we returned that night for dinner and had a chance to talk briefly with the award winning chef, Yasuyuki Okuda.  He is not as intimidating as his picture makes him out, and is a really nice guy.  He makes the pizzas himself, with the oven right in the front as you come in, while a kitchen staff prepares the other Italian dishes, who can be seen in action if you sit towards the back as we did, beneath Yasuyuki-san’s awards and certificates. 

We each had a personal size Margarita pizza and it was excellent, to say the least, just as you would expect from one of the best pizzaiuolo in the world.  The menu also contains Salads, Pasta dishes, main courses, and desserts.

New Recipes
After not having cooked for a few weeks, I was anxious to get back to it upon our return.  Luckily there was a new Food Network Magazine waiting with some really interesting recipes to try.  Pictured above is Eye Round Steak Marsala with Mushrooms.  The side dish was Cauliflower, boiled then pureed with an Italian cheese blend.  Here is the link to the recipe.  It was really good!
Cooking Basics 101 starts on October 1
The first of three sessions meets on Thursday evening, October 1, at 6:30 at the Plum Center in Springfield.  We will be making a Caprese Salad and a no-bake dessert featuring blueberries and ricotta cheese.  The main dish will be Pan Fried Chicken Italiano with fresh vegetable, probably asparagus or broccoli.  Basic knife skills and food safety will also be discussed.
Reminder - Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.
Upcoming Classes
The Fall 2015 schedule has been published.  Here is my fall schedule.
October 1, 8, and 15 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
October 13, 20, and 27 – Tuesday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Marshall High School
October 18 and 25 – Sunday Afternoon – Dolci Italiani/Italian Desserts – Plum Center
November 8 – Sunday Afternoon – Twilight in Tuscany – Plum Center
November 6, 13, and 20 – Friday Evening - Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center
December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School
To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Lunch along the Mediterranean Class, Mini-Braciole, Instagram, and Fall 2015 Schedule

Post Date: 13 August 2015

Lunch along the Mediterranean
This week’s class, Lunch along the Mediterranean, meets Saturday morning at 10:00 at the Plum Center and will feature dishes of the Provençale region of France.  For an appetizer we will be making a White Bean Tapenade with 2 kinds of olives.  A traditional Salade Nicoise will follow (pictured above), with potato, hardboiled egg, and tuna.  The main course is Chicken Provençale with fresh summer vegetables, all prepared on the stove top (see below).  And for dessert a Peach Clafoutis.


Quick Mini-Braciole
This Italian steak dish was a staple in holiday dinners at my uncle’s house.  A flank steak is pounded out, covered with herbs, spices, and fresh vegetables, then rolled and tied up with kitchen string before cooking.  When done the roll is sliced and served with marinara sauce.  The other day at the super market I saw some very thinly sliced Top Round steaks labeled as for Braciole.  So I bought them with the idea of making a quick version.  Since the steaks were so thin I could not cook them with the vegetables rolled in, so in a frying pan I cooked green peppers, onions, garlic, and zucchini, then drained them on a paper towel.  I then seasoned the steaks with salt, pepper, and oregano and cooked in olive oil over medium heat for 25-30 seconds per side.  I then transferred them to a cutting board, spread the cooked vegetable on each one (see picture below), then rolled them up and served.  Since this is much quicker than the traditional Braciole, I plan to use this recipe in a future class.

Reminder - Instagam

Follow me on Instagram at senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

 Upcoming Classes

The Fall 2015 schedule has been published.  Here is my fall schedule.

October 1, 8, and 15 – Thursday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center

October 13, 20, and 27 – Tuesday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Marshall High School

October 18 and 25 – Sunday Afternoon – Dolci Italiani/Italian Desserts – Plum Center

November 8 – Sunday Afternoon – Twilight in Tuscany – Plum Center

November 6, 13, and 20 – Friday Evening - Cooking Basics: One Step Further – Plum Center

December 3, 10, and 17 – Thursday Evening - Cooking Basics 101 – Herndon High School

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Beef Stir-Fry, Mussels in Spicy Tomato Broth, and Instagram

Post Date: 30 July 2015

My next class in not until Saturday, August 15th, so in this post I will be discussing some dishes I made recently and how you can follow me on Instagram.

Beef Stir-fry
I had not made a stir-fry in a very long time.  In fact, my wok was being used to hold food storage containers.  However, when shopping the other day I noticed a package of beef already cut for stir-fry, so I decided to make one.  For a recipe I followed a stir-fry matrix that I had found in a Food Network Magazine a few years ago.  You pick your protein (say beef, fish or chicken), your sauce (spicy, sweet and sour, brown, etc.), and three vegetables.  The constants are garlic, fresh ginger, and scallions.  I made the Brown Sauce, which uses chicken broth, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and rice wine.  If you have never made stir-fry but would like to try, below is a link to a Food Network site that has a short video to take you through the basics.

Mussels in Spicy Tomato Broth

I am planning on serving mussels at a large family gathering this weekend, so I went looking for a good recipe.  The one I used I found in Giada de Laurentis’ Everyday Italian cookbook.  I have provided the link to it below.  I made a few modifications though.  As you can see from the title, her recipe includes clams and shrimp as well as the mussels, whereas I did just the muscles.  For the tomato broth, you use a 28 ounce can of diced tomatoes.  Then the recipe calls for 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes.  This seemed like an awful lot, especially given the amount of tomatoes, so I cut it down to ½ teaspoon.  Even then, it was quite spicy and may be a bit too much for many palates.  The broth includes 1 cup of dry white wine; I used Pinot Grigio.  I made it for dinner as a practice run and it came out great.

I got a new smart phone last week and decided to take the plunge with Instagram.  I’ll be posting pictures of my dishes and other interesting items.  You can follow me at senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts.

Upcoming Classes
Here is the next class I will be teaching for the summer term.  The fall catalogue will be out soon.

August 15 – Saturday Morning – Lunch Along the Mediterranean – Plum Center

To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at: