Wednesday, September 28, 2016

End of Summer Desserts Project with Basil Ice Cream; Shakshuka; Cape May Dining; My Fall Cooking Classes with A.C.E.

Post Date : 28 September 2016

Basil Ice Cream
My basil plants did really well this year, so I decided to finish off my summer desserts project with Basil Ice Cream.  I checked out 4 different recipes before deciding on the one from the New York Times Cooking page.  The link to the recipe is below.  It is a very straightforward recipe, basil, sugar, milk, cream, salt, and egg yolks.  And it was excellent.  By substituting Mint leaves for Basil, you can make a mint ice cream as well.
More on Shakshuka
My basil plants did really well this year, so I decided to finish off my summer desserts project with Basil Ice Cream.  I checked out 4 different recipes before deciding on the one from the New York Times Cooking page.  The link to the recipe is below.  It is a very straightforward recipe, basil, sugar, milk, cream, salt, and egg yolks.  And it was excellent.  By substituting Mint leaves for Basil, you can make a mint ice cream as well.
Cape May Dining
We went to Cape May, New Jersey, for a week earlier in September and had a great meal at Godmother’s Restaurant.  We have been going to Cape May for several years now and had passed the restaurant many times but never dined there.  This year we decided to go, and were really glad we did.  The food was excellent.  Our main dishes were Rigatoni with Blackened Broccoli, Crab Ravioli in a Lemon Cream Sauce, and a Baked Salmon.  And for dessert there was Chocolate Gelato with a Biscotti.  Our only regret is that we had not gone there sooner.
Besides the great meal, another highlight of the trip was watching the full moon rise over the Atlantic from the beach, pictured above.
Reminder – Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts, culinary and otherwise.
Upcoming Classes
Here are my classes for the fall term.  The Fall 2016 catalogue is now out.  Note the 2 different locations for the What’s for Breakfast? Class.
October 15 and 22 – Saturday Morning – What’s for Breakfast? – Plum Center Session 1 and Lake Braddock Secondary School Session 2.
October 30 – Sunday Afternoon – Bistro Lunch – Plum Center
November 6, 13, 20 – Sunday Afternoons – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
December 6, 13, 20 – Tuesday Evenings – Quick Weeknight Dinners – Plum Center
To register for this class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at:                                                           

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