Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Recent Beta Test and Getting Past Pasta Class – Session 2

Post Date: 10 December 2014

Recent Beta Test
Last Sunday I conducted a final test of the Frittata recipe we will be doing this week (please see section below for more information).  The two testers each made one.  Picture above is one of the finished products.  The test was particularly helpful in getting the exact measurements of the ingredients set and in finalizing the final printed copy of the recipe.  The testers had a few twists and good ideas which have been incorporated into the final version.

Getting Past Pasta – Session 2
Second session of Getting Past Pasta is this Saturday, December 13, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Plum Center.  This week we will be doing a Frittata and two fish dishes, one with salmon and one with tilapia.  The Tilapia dish is baked with Italian seasonings, and I’ve found that it works best if it is done in two steps.  In the first step we will season the fish then let it sit in the refrigerator for about 90 minutes while we prepare the other two dishes. This wait time allows the seasoning to sink in and really enhances the flavor of the finished product.

We will be doing a Vegetable Frittata.  A Frittata is an Italian dish that differs from an omelet in several ways.  Like an omelet, a frittata is started on the stove in a skillet, but the frittata is then finished in the oven.  An omelet is folded over whereas a frittata is not.  And an omelet is usually a single serving, whereas a frittata is cut into wedges and served to several people
In a previous blog I had referred to my recipe as a “Kitchen Sink Frittata,” and basically I put in whatever vegetables I had on hand; e.g., asparagus, broccoli, squash, onion, marinated artichoke hearts, etc.  However, in order to give some structure to the class recipe, we will be using specific items and measurements and it has been renamed to a “Vegetable Frittata.”  But the recipe can also be used as a starting point to add whatever other ingredients you wish, including sausage, pancetta, or other meats.

For the final dish, we will be doing a Sicilian Style Salmon with Citrus (Lemon and Orange), substituting White Grape Juice for White Wine due to school rules.  It will also have a little red pepper to give it a little kick.

 Upcoming Classes
The winter classes start in January, and I have one class in January and two in February.

January 22 - Thursday Evening – Dinner in New York – Woodson High
February 1, 8, and 15 – Sunday Afternoons – Cooking Basics for Novices – Plum Center

February 26 – Thursday Evening – Dinner in Rome – Plum Center

To register for thess class, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to: and scroll down to the Culinary section

While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.

Till next time, keep cooking.

Contact Chef Kevin at:


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