Thursday, September 6, 2018

Maple Ice Cream; ACE Fall Classes starting this month; Personal Pita Pizzas with Hummus.

Post Date: 6 September 2018

The last installment of my Summer 2018 Ice Cream Project is a Maple Syrup one.  My first ACE class of the fall is a seasonal one, Up Your Tailgate Game followed by another iteration of Cooking Basics 101. .  I also made personal sized Pita Bread Pizzas with Hummus.

Maple Ice Cream

With Labor Day being the unofficial end of summer, I decided to conclude my Summer 2018 Ice Cream project this week with Maple Ice Cream.  I got the recipe from Bruce Weinstein’s excellent book The Ultimate Ice Cream Book.  This recipe was different from all the others I did this summer in that it used Half and Half and Light Cream, not the usual heavy cream and milk.  The result was excellent, a great way to end the summer.

Next ACE Class – Up Your Tailgate Game

With football season in full swing, this is the class to help you create a winning spread for your tailgate parties or while watching a game on TV.  The class meets on Wednesday evenings September 26 and October 3 at the Plum Center in Springfield.  We will be making some hearty dishes like chili and stews.
Pita Bread Personal Pizzas with Hummus


I found this recipe in the September 2018 issue of Real Simple magazine.  It seemed like a great dish to make for my bi-weekly sumi-e painting group meeting, so I made it for them last night and got a lot of good feedback.  It starts with Whole Wheat Pocketless Pita (who knew, right? I found some made by Kontos), then the pita is spread with hummus and topped with chickpeas, red onion slivers, Kalamata Olives (halved and pitted), crumbled feta cheese, and a quick shake of crushed red pepper flakes.  It is cooked under a broiler for about 6 minutes.  My wife Teresa suggested adding some capers and marinated artichoke hearts to the pizzas, and they enhanced the taste perfectly.
Here is the link to the recipe:

Reminder – Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts, culinary and otherwise.
Upcoming Classes
Here is my schedule for the fall term.
September 26 and October 3 – Wednesday Evening – Up Your Tailgate Game – Plum Center
October 12, 19, and 26 – Friday Evening – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
November 10 – Saturday Morning – Holiday in Sicily – Plum Center
November 27, December 4 and 11 – Tuesday Evenings - Easy Gourmet Meals/One Step Further – Plum Center
To register for these classes, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to:
While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at: