Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Upcoming A.C.E. Class – Delicious Eats with Ricotta Cheese; Beach House Brunch Class concludes; Some Recipes from The Washington Post and The New York Times.

Post Date: 14 June 2017

ACE Class – Ricotta Cheese

This one session class meets on Sunday afternoon, June 25, at the Plum Center in Springfield.  We will begin by making a batch of Ricotta Cheese.  I will also be bringing in some from the grocery store so we can compare.  We will then use both to make Cannoli filling (but use store bought shells), Ricotta Gnocchi, and Lasagne for 2.  I will bring in the prepared sauces for these dishes (a Pesto and a Marinara Sauce) but will provide the recipes for prep at home.  A recipe for Ricotta Pancakes will also be provided.
ACE Class – Beach House Brunch v2.0
This one session class met on Saturday morning, June 3.  We had a great time preparing Baked Poached Eggs (pictured above), a Strawberry/Marscapone/Basil starter, Shakshuka, and a Sausage Frittata (pictured below).  I hope to repeat this class every year or 2 with all new recipes for your summer vacations.
Recent Recipes from The Washington Post and The New York Times
Recent Wednesday Food sections of the Post and the Times have had some interesting recipes that I tried and found quite good, so I thought I‘d pass the information along.  Links to the recipes are below.  There are a few more I have queued up, and I will report of them in future posts.
The first one, from the Times of May 26, was a Syrup-Soaked Semolina Cake called Namoura (pictured above).  Preparation has 3 distinct steps.  First you prepare a sauce with Sugar, Lemon Juice, and Vanilla extract, Rose Water, or Lavender Extract.  This is poured over the cake when it comes out of the oven.  Next, Baking Soda is added to Plain Yogurt and stirred to combine (I used non-fat Greek Yogurt).  In 10 minutes, or less, the mixture will have doubled in size.  The last step is mixing the batter and the yogurt mixture, then baking in a 400 degree oven for 25-30 minutes.  The finished product is wonderfully sweet.
The second one I tried, from the Post of June 7, was called Emilia Burgers, which was also excellent.  The burger part is fairly straightforward, mix your chopped meat with Kosher Salt, Black Pepper, and freshly grated Parmesan.  The magic happens with condiments.  First on the bun is a sauce of mayonnaise and balsamic vinegar.  Then comes the burger, which is topped with a Salsa Verde whose green color comes from Flat Leaf Parsley.  Since I am not a big anchovy fan, I opted to leave them out of the Salsa, but still the flavor combination was excellent.  And instead of cooing the burgers on the stovetop, as the recipe suggested, I did them outside on the grill.
Emilia Burgers:
Reminder – Instagam
Follow me on Instagram at #senseichef.  I look forward to your comments on my posts, culinary and otherwise.
Upcoming Classes
Here are my classes for the summer term.  Fall schedule is already being finalized.
June 25 – Sunday Afternoon – Delicious Eats with Ricotta Cheese – Plum Center
July 6, 13, 20 – Thursday Evening – Quick Weeknight Dinners, International – Plum Center
July 15, 22, 29 – Saturday Morning – Cooking Basics 101 – Plum Center
August 2, 3, 4 – Wed, Thurs, Fri Evenings - Cooking Basics for Young Adults – Plum Center
To register for these classes, or any ACE cooking classes, please go to:
 While there, be sure to check out the other culinary courses offered by ACE’s excellent chef instructors.
Till next time, keep cooking.
Contact Chef Kevin at: